
Automate Your HR Department and Build a Winning Team at Scale with Our Next Generation AI Interview solution

computer interview


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Maximize efficiency with precision-timed interviews

Interview Monitoring

Monitor seamlessly, ensuring integrity and compliance in every interview.

Question Personalization

Tailor every question to fit the candidate’s profile for deeper insights.

High Performance

Empower your hiring process with unmatched speed and reliability.

Post Interview Reports

Gain comprehensive insights with detailed post-interview analytics.

Video Recordings

Review and refine your interviews with high-quality video recordings.

Trusted by 250+ HR Departments and Recruiters.

Interviewed AI’s platform is trusted in the HR industry. Known for its outstanding performance and reliability and innovative features. Interviewed AI is constantly pushing the frontiers of Automation and AI in the HR space.

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Meet with Interview Candidates anytime, anywhere.

Our platform takes to work out of interviews and recruitment. Freeing up your HR resources to tackle other work while providing excellent and insightful AI video interviews to Top Talent.

Working with Interviewed AI is simple.

Find Candidates

The system helps you find the best and most qualified candidates than using AI communicates your benifits to them and arranges an interview.

Book Interviews

All the back and fourth to organise an Interview is gone, the system is always available and able to set a time with the candidate at their convenience.

Candidate Interviewed

The system interviews the candidate with an interactive video system. The results are then analysed with AI producing a report and the videos can be reviewed anytime you wish.

Grow your
Team More Efficiently.

Don’t waste the time and resources of your HR Staff and Department get interviews done effectively using AI. 

Choose the right
plan for your needs

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International payments
$ 0
  • 1GB Cloud Storage
  • 1 Interview
  • Personal Account


Card account updater
$ 129
/ per month
  • 2GB Cloud Storage
  • Enterprise AI
  • Professional Account
  • 20 Interviews
  • AI Analysis


Local payment methods
$ 499
/ per month
  • 30GB Cloud Storage
  • Enterprise AI ANalysis
  • Organisation Account
  • 100 Interviews
  • AI Advanced Analysis Report
  • AI Technical Testing


 Interviewed AI provides a state-of-the-art AI-powered SAAS platform that enables companies to conduct more efficient, personalized, and insightful interviews. Our services include features like real-time interview monitoring, question personalization based on AI analysis, high-performance video recording, and detailed post-interview reports to enhance your hiring process.

Post Interview Reports deliver detailed analytics on each candidate’s performance, including response quality, consistency, and technical assessments. These reports help your hiring team make informed decisions by providing a comprehensive breakdown of the interview, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for follow-up.

Our Question Personalization feature uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze the job description and candidate’s resume to generate custom questions that are specifically tailored to probe deep into the candidate’s qualifications and fit for the role. This ensures that each interview is maximally relevant and insightful, leading to better hiring decisions.

Interviewed AI is committed to compliance with all relevant privacy regulations, including GDPR and CCPA. Our video recording feature includes built-in consent mechanisms where candidates can opt-in or out before their interview starts, ensuring transparency and respect for privacy throughout the interviewing process.

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Real Feedback from Our Clients: Discover Why Companies Trust Interviewed AI.